The Eyes Have It

The Guide to Stylish Eyewear

Your eyesight is vital to your health and well being. Wearing glasses is not just a style choice it is a functional piece that is as much about your personal statement as any other accessory you are wearing. Everyone you communicate with will look into your eyes; to do that they have to look through your eye ware. For most of us, if you wear prescription lenses you have one or possibly two pair that are worn all day, every day for all events and situations. That means the choice you make needs to be considered from many different aspects. You may even choose to have few some for professional situations and the other for times when you want a softer, more feminine appearance.

Eye ware should be an extension of who you are. You should feel great about your looks when you see them in the mirror. The shape should be balanced with your face shape to give you your best image, and in a color you like that works well with your skin and most of your wardrobe.

Make your statement

  • Frames or frameless your eyes demand attention and it is your choice about their message.
  • Curved frames on your glasses give a soft feminine appearance.
  • Large glasses with light weight rims or weightless rims allow more of you to be seen with less of a barrier between you and the rest of the world. They are more feminine and friendlier.
  • Wear them shiny or decorative for a more youthful feminine appearance.
  • Small embellishments are another feminine look that pull the eyes up, drawing others in.
  • Dark, angular eye ware is more masculine looking, as well as, more authoritative offering a professional, no nonsense impression for business.
  • Heavy frames make you look more masculine, studious, and aggressive.
  • While the chains, beads, and strips that hang from your glasses to the back of your neck keep you from losing your glasses, they make you look old and forgetful. The only thing that screams elderly more is having them on the half reading glasses that allow you to peer over the top.

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