Thank you so much for sharing your story and insight with our readers. To kick things off, can you tell us a bit about how you got started?
Like so many young people, I did not know what I wanted to do when I was in college. I knew I was going to try as many things as I could for work to figure out what I enjoyed and what I did not.
While I was in college, I tried several different career paths, from retail, working at a law firm, an Apple store, an orthodontist assistant, to an office manager running a coffee shop. Those experiences were invaluable and why, through the years, I have encouraged young adults to do internships and go work while in school before they pick a career path, earn a degree, and find themselves entering “adulting.”
I think many of us could agree that it is tragic to spend your entire life working in a field where you cannot stand being unhappy. I was dead set on not being one of those people! I probably drove my parents crazy when I was younger, coming up with different ideas for things I was planning to try. However, fast forwarding, and I still have that mindset to try things that interest me.
Maybe it’s different personality traits because you do see some people who know exactly what they want to do and spend their entire career happily doing that! On the other hand, I have taken decades to embrace that God wired me with an entrepreneurial mind and to be okay with the fact that I come up with “ideas” to try. I do not know if it is society or my own thoughts that, at times, have made me feel that it is one size fits all, but what I realize is you must be true to yourself and the gifts you have received.
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